Dario Frare

Dario Frare lives and works in Murano, the island where he pursues the profession of master glassmaker in the lampwork sector. He is a child of art, his special features are the creations of: Masai figures, animals, Animals, clowns, Geishas, Rabbis, Red Indians, Human and Abstract Figures

The master Dario Frare, works in Murano, in the lampwork sector. Son of art, he has supported his father since he was a child, learning from his gestures and following his example.
After his high school studies at the Art Institute, where he received the settings for freehand drawing , proportions and anatomy, he devoted himself full time to glass, joining the family business at full capacity.

Over the years, thanks to the commitment, dedication and relationships with other Masters, he has matured professionally and has been able to define some production lines: animals, clowns, figures belonging to the ethnic and cultural sphere of African Masai, Japanese geishas, rabbis and simple faithful of the Jewish region and American Red Indians, commissioned reproduction of well-known personalities and common individuals, representations that blend the human figure and the abstract and geometric element.



From: $1,736.39

Masai collection, sculptures inspired by the Masai ethnic group that still lives today between Kenya and Tanzania.

Masai couple


Masai woman


Masai family


Masai family
